1. Visit goodrx.com and enter the drug name. Select the matching name from the dropdown list.
2. Scroll to the CVS price and click Get free savings
3. On the coupon page, click Send to CVS
4. Select the current location of your prescription (at CVS, at another pharmacy, brand new prescription)
5. Fill out the form with your patient and contact information then click Next step
6. Select the pharmacy that currently has your prescription
7. Select the CVS pharmacy or Target (CVS) location that you want your prescription transferred to
8. Review the order details and click Send to CVS. A copy of the eCoupon you selected is automatically sent to the CVS Pharmacy or Target (CVS).
When your prescription is ready for pick up, CVS pharmacy will send you a text message.
We recommend calling your new pharmacy in a few hours to verify that your transfer went through with no issues.