Getting a discount card is easy… and free! This free card entitles you to discounted prices of up to 80% at most U.S. pharmacies. All you have to do to request a card is head over to the GoodRx Discount Card page.
Keep in mind, however, that better discounts may be found by looking up drug prices and printing coupons on our website or mobile app. Click here to learn more about the difference between the GoodRx coupons and discount card.
We'll show you how to request your card below:
Step 1
Go to the Discount Card page
You can get to the GoodRx Discount Card page by clicking here, or by clicking on the Discount Card link in the yellow bar at the top of any page on the GoodRx website. We've highlighted the location of this link in the image below.
Step 2
Tell us where to send your card
On the GoodRx Discount Card page, enter the requested information into the correct fields. Then, click the blue Send Me a Savings Card Discount Card button.